Pack "The Banana Box" . (for babies and toddlers)

The banana box weighs about 20 kg. Assembling the banana boxes Banana boxes prepared for transport

Loading the banana boxes, the armed forces help. Sinmartin: Distributing the Bananaboxes International School - Students help.
Contents of a banana box : 2 kg of sugar, 1 ltr of cooking oil, 2 kg of pasta, 5 packs of soup cubes, 1 kg of rice, 1 kg of semolina, 2 kg of canned fruit,
1 cup of jam, 25 dkg of kaoca powder, 1 pt of ladyfingers, 5 tsp of chocolate, 1 pt of unfilled biscuits, 5 pt of man cuts,
1 bag of gummy bears, 1 cup of children's toothpaste, 1 piece of children's toothbrush, 5 pieces of baby soaps, 1 bottle of hair pompoo, 1 bottle of baby oil or cream,
1 point cotton swab, 1 point cotton wool, 2 kg washing powder. 1 small petting animal